Monday, January 14, 2008

Climate: sky is not falling

Leader-PostPublished: Friday, January 11, 2008

Re: Don Mitchell's Jan. 3 letter, entitled "Harper, Bush are to blame".
It sounds to me like the writer has totally bought into the "climate-change religion" and believes global warming is a result of man-made actions of the last few years -- and that the NDP now has the solution to affect "world wide weather". Really? Al Gore's supporters seem to have convinced a lot of people that this is true.
It is amazing the fervent dedication and zeal many show in defending this "the-sky-is-falling-and-we-need-to- prevent-doom-by-drastic-measures-right-now" philosophy.
Will our children and grandchildren ever forgive us for taking foolhardy action that would almost certainly bring our economy to a standstill, making things tough in their lives and jobs, etc.? One need only look back a bit in time to understand better the foolishness of the global debate.
In about 1975, there was similar talk: at that time, about the 30 years of global cooling and the possibility of an ice age.
Now 30 years of slight warming is unusual and alarming? And is it suddenly man-made? The fact is that world temperatures fluctuate. Look at a 120-year chart comparing solar activity and temperatures and you will see solar activity and temps perfectly correlated.
Solar activity up, temperatures up. Solar activity down, temperatures down.
A chart for the same 120-year period comparing CO2 release and temperatures shows no such correlation whatsoever, especially no unusual CO2 increase in the warming years to 1938 or no decrease in CO2 in the cooling years to 1975.
There has been a higher increase of CO2 in the last 40 years, but temperatures have not even gone up to the highs of 1938.
This pretty well tells the whole fairy-tale of man-made CO2 and the effects on global warming.
I think a lot of people agree we are lucky to have leaders like Stephen Harper and George Bush, who can slow down the insanity of foolish, drastic action until the real truth is understood by all.

Wally Schellenberg Regina