Sunday, August 24, 2008

Is Nuclear the Answer to Global Warming?

Cost comparisons of nuclear vs. sustainable,
renewable alternatives should put the final nail in
the nuclear coffin. While the nuclear industry says
new reactors could produce electricity for 6-7 cents
per kWh, these estimates depend on the nuclear
industry continuing to be heavily subsidized by the
taxpayer. When the cost of borrowing money is
factored in, Ontario’s Energy Probe estimates that
subsidies to the AECL total around $75 billion.
Several studies (e.g. reported in New Scientist, and
discussed in Helen Caldicotts new book) have
shown that without these direct and hidden
subsidies, the cost of nuclear would increase threefold
(i.e. 300%) to the consumer. This holds true for
Ontario’s Hydro’s consumers who suffer from a
serious case of “nuclear dependence”, which has
created a public debt of $35 billion.

Read more from Jim Harding, HERE

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