Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Clean-coal project fuels Wall's enthusiasm

James Wood, Saskatchewan News NetworkPublished: Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The prospect of a coal-burning plant with minimal greenhouse gas emissions through the capture and storage of carbon dioxide has been particularly appealing for Saskatchewan governments of all stripes given the province's large coal reserves and massive per capita greenhouse gas emissions.
For Wall, clean coal also moves the debate away from direct federal investment and benchmarks compared to equalization.

"If the demonstration project is successful -- and I understand there's an if there but there's obviously a lot of very credible research that we can have some success ... Saskatchewan will be leading internationally in clean-coal technology. There are coal plants being built in India and Asia at a breakneck pace and we have here in this investment a chance for transformative change for the province of Saskatchewan to lead internationally in clean coal technology. I'd argue that's worth more than any particular equalization number."

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