Sunday, December 7, 2008

Enough Rhetoric, Already

By Bruce JohnstoneDecember 6,

Now that Stephen Harper has got his "Get Out of Parliament Free'' card from Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean, what will the PM do for the next six or seven weeks?

Will he use his reprieve from certain defeat in the House of Commons to mend fences with the opposition parties and seek their advice in building a new fiscal plan for Canada?

Will he open his heart and his door at 24 Sussex Dr. to new ideas and a new willingness to work towards the common goal of "peace, order and good government"?

Or will Harper continue to play his divisive game of divide and conquer and seek to drive a wedge between the opposition parties and a stake into the heart of the Liberal-NDP coalition?

Well, it's early yet and it is the festive season, so there's always hope that Harper will undergo a Scrooge-like conversion and emerge from this near-political-death experience a changed man.

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