Monday, January 31, 2011

Crown Corporation Workers Seek Fair Contracts

Monday January 31, 2011

The Common Front, consisting of the unions representing SaskTel, SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SaskWater, The Watershed Authority and SGI and others, held a joint members’ meeting to discuss the state of bargaining in Regina today.

After negotiating with the Sask. Party government for over a year with no ratified agreements, the members of Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ Union (CEP), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and Canadian Office and Professional Employees’ Union (COPE) Local 397, representing workers at the major Saskatchewan Crown corporations, are coordinating their efforts to reach a fair ratified agreement for their respective memberships.

“It is indeed an historic day when one sees this level of co-operation and co-ordination between the Crown unions. It is indicative of the level of frustration we are all seeing in the attempt to get a fair settlement for our members,” said COPE Local 397 president, Garry Hamblin.

“There can be no question that the workers at the Crowns are all in this together. Our members work very hard to make our Crowns successful, yet they are treated inadequately, as though they have no value,” said CEP national representative Cam Britton.

Britton added, “This government needs to take a close look at the money-making operations of the Crowns and act accordingly. That means taking concessions off the table and getting serious about a decent wage increase for the people who make the Crowns so profitable. None of the member unions of The Common Front is asking for the moon, we just want fairness for Crown corporation employees.”

The Crowns cumulatively contributed 755 million dollars to the province in the budget year 2009-2010, which helped offset the landmark budgetary shortfall of last year.

Neil Collins Business Manager IBEW 2067 stated that on January 25, 2011 the membership of IBEW Local 2067 soundly rejected the last offer from SaskPower management with a 90 per cent rejection vote. This rejection vote was due to the fact the offer was nowhere near the average of competitive wages in Western Canada and included a number of concessions.

Susan Saunders, CEP national representative at the SaskTel bargaining table, noted that the bargaining unit she represents has not yet begun discussing monetary proposals. “It’s unacceptable that the members are asked to accept concessions when the Crowns are making record profits,” she said. “It is clear from today’s meeting that members are angry at the Crown Investment Corporation’s objectives for concession bargaining.”

Similar issues are found in the post-secondary education sector.

Tracey Kurtenbach of the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU) representing SIAST employees, notes that their members in education are being treated unfairly as well. She said, “There is no understanding by this government of the value of education workers.” She went on to say that the final offer that has been tabled by management falls far short of being considered fair compensation.

For more information, contact Garry Hamblin, The Common Front Coalition, at 535-4580.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Doctors strike deal

By James Wood, The StarPhoenix

After nearly 22 months without a contract, Saskatchewan's doctors and the provincial government have reached a new deal both sides hope will keep physicians inside the province.Read more: Here

Health execs' pay hikes show 'blatant' double standard: union

By Hannah Scissons, The StarPhoenix

"A lot of us were quite flabbergasted. . . . I think it is a blatant double standard, in light of our negotiations," said Dickson, whose union represents more than 3,000 specialized health-care professionals ranging from paramedics to physical therapists to social workers.
She said the justification used for the out-of-scope pay increases, which range from zero to 37 per cent, is the same argument HSAS has been making on behalf of its employees - that their wages need to be "market competitive."Read more: