Canada: Tell Sears you won't buy until they end the lockout
Sears Holdings Corporation has 3800 retail stores and over $50 billion in annual revenues in Canada and the U.S. On October 1, 2007, Sears Canada locked out 70 appliance repair technicians in Metro Vancouver, Canada. Sears said the technicians could return to work under imposed terms that do not include any scheduled wage increases for four years, allow Sears to schedule split workweeks without two consecutive days off, eliminate certain overtime premiums, and remove a pre-existing paid holiday. Sears also said the technicians returning to work would not pay union dues. Two months later, the lockout continues. The locked-out technicians are asking North American workers to boycott Sears stores in order to get Sears back to bargaining.
Tell Sears you won't buy until they end the Lockout HERE
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